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Liushui Formation

Liushui Fm


Age Interval: 
Paibian through middle Jiangshanian. (88, 89)


Type Locality and Naming

The type section of Liushui Formation is the Liushui section, measured between Liushui and Xiangshui villages, Shidian, Baoshan, Yunnan Province by the No. 20 Yunnan Geological Team of Yunnan Bureau of Gologye in 1962. It lies about 11.5 km southwest of the seat of Shidian County. However, the Liushui Formation is incomplete in the type section as its basal part is not exposed. For this reason a section, the Yiwanshui section, with more complete sequence of the formation is selected as representative section of the Liushui Formation although the top part of the Liushui Formation in this section may be still cut off by fault. The Yiwanshui section is measured at Yiwanshui Village in Banqiao Township, Longyang District, Baoshan City by the No. 1 Brigade of Yunnan Regional Geological Survey Team (1979). It lies about 32 km southeast of the seat of Baoshan City (99°07’07”E, 25°15’27”N). The Liushui Formation was firstly published by Yunnan Bureau of Geology (1974). The name is derived from Liushui Village in Shidian County, Baoshan City, western Yunnan Province. Originally it was appeared in a 1964 manuscript by Cao Renguan from the Yunnan Institute of Geological Sciences.

Synonym: (柳水组); The strata named originally Liushui Formation was subsequently named once again Shahechang Formation by No. 3 Brigade of Yunnan Regional Geological Survey Team (1980). The latter formation is apparently an invalid synonym of Liushui Formation.

Lithology and Thickness

The Liushui Formation is an alternated sequence of classic and carbonate rocks. It is roughly divided into three lithological parts. Lower part, 86 m thick, is dominated by greyish green and grey, silty and platy calcareous shale with sedimentary rhythm and is often intercalated with grey limestone and striped argillaceous limestone; Middle part, 201 m thick, is mainly composed of grey oolitic limestone, intercalated with striped argillaceous limestone and argillaceous limestone; the oolitic limestone can be served as key horizon because of its stability in position; Upper part, 218 m thick, is dominated by light green shale and siltstone. In the representative section, the Liushui Formation is 505 m thick.

Lithology Pattern: 
Shallow-marine marl

Relationships and Distribution

Lower contact

The Liushui Fm rests conformably on the Hetaoping Fm. The lower boundary of Liushui Fm is defined by lithologic change from siltstone at the top of underlying Hetaoping Fm to limestone of Liushui Fm.

Upper contact

It is possibly in fault contact with the overlying Paoshan Fm. Because of possible fault contact the boundary between Liushui and Paoshan Fm is usually delimited by the disappearance of limestone of Liushui Fm and appearance of siltstone or shale at the basal part of Paoshan Fm.

Regional extent

The Liushui Formation is exposed in the Baoshan-Northern Tibet Region with a relatively wide distribution in Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture (Lushui County), Baoshan City (Longling, Longyang, and Shidian counties), Lincang City (Zhenkang County) and Dehong Dai-Jingpo Autonomous Prefecture (Luxi County), western Yunnan Province. The thickness of the formation is 395 m at Liushui, and 2205 m at Pumanshao of Longyang District, Baoshan City.




The Liushui Formation yields rich fossils, including trilobites Chuangia, Changia, Dikelocephalites, Geragnostus, Homagnostus, Kaolishanella, Kaolishania, Longlingaspis, Maladioides, Mansuyia, Palaeoharpes, Parachangshania, Parakaolishania, Prochuangia, Pseudagnostus, Rhaptagnostus, Sanduspis, Shidiania, Shirakiella, Wafangia, Tiantouzhania and Zhuitunia; and brachiopods Billingsella, Eoorthis, and Finkelnburgia.


Paibian through middle Jiangshanian.

Age Span: 

    Beginning stage: 

    Fraction up in beginning stage: 

    Beginning date (Ma): 

    Ending stage: 

    Fraction up in the ending stage: 

    Ending date (Ma):  

Depositional setting

Depositional pattern:  

Additional Information


Peng Shanchi